My doctoral dissertation, "Toward a Monotheist Psychology of Transcendence," explains in roughly 300 pages the derivation and details of the The Monotheist Psychology of Transcendence: The Warrior Healer. It is currently available through the website of the publisher, ProQuest, and can easily be found by entering, "Monotheist Psychology," into the Google search engine.
Due to dissertation constraints, it was necessary to leave out several hundred pages from my dissertation. However, I plan to reintroduce this material into a three-part work adapted for general readership. I will post the releases on my, "Center for the Monotheist Psychology of Transcendence: The Warrior Healer," website. This website can be accessed via various domain names including: and .org,,,,, All domain names connected to me go to this one website. Other websites are not related to me. If you find yourself at a website that does not look like this one, it is not my website.
If you visit my websites' blog, you will find ten articles that I wrote, the most recent of which, "Educating Other People’s Children," looks at how we are impacted by public education policy. "Mad Mother And The Dalai Lama: Being a Direct Object of Displaced Emotions," speaks of an encounter I had with someone who appeared to be psychologically troubled. "I Am Not Trayvon: Serial Murders Of The Heart," discusses the possible role of race in the killing of this young man. Another, "How Will I Know, A Voice and A Message Live On," addresses some of the issues with addiction Whitney Houston faced. Other articles include: " 'The Warrior Ethos': What Psychology and Society Can Learn from the Military," "Saving Medicare and a Nation in the Process: A Psychological Perspective," "Fakakta," "The Morning After Pill in the Age of Pedophiles," "Toddler Moms and Dads: Training the Troops," and "Toddler Moms and Dads: Defusing the Time Bomb." These last two articles are part of a, "Toddler Moms and Dads," series that I will update from time to time as we all attempt to raise up the next generation. The articles in the blog address psychosocial issues affecting our culture. Other articles will follow and additional access to all articles will be provided through the Table of Contents.
In the meantime, I am available for workshops, lectures and speaking engagements.
Although I have a doctorate in clinical psychology, I am still in the licensure process, and am currently only available to treat as an assistant to a licensed psychologist, psychiatrist, therapist or counselor, under whose license I would be covered. I must advise that nothing connected to this website should be considered counseling or treatment. I recommend any who are in need of counseling or treatment seek a competent and qualified, licensed psychologist, psychiatrist, psychotherapist, pastoral counselor or other such competent and qualified professional.
Gratitude and Blessings,
Devorah Ann Fox, Psy.D.
The Monotheist Psychology of Transcendence: The Warrior Healer offers an original approach to understanding and healing the human experience on a psychological, cultural and spiritual level. Informed by the work of Freud, Jung, Buber, Inyat Khan and those who followed in their wake, MPT offers a new vision for the Turn of the Millennium, a vision rooted in the ancient belief that we are made in the image of the Divine Presence.