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Designed by Dr. Devorah Ann Fox      2010 for The Center for the Monotheist Psychology of Transcendence: Warrior Healer
To read an article, click on the up and down arrows to the right of the article above, and you will be able to scroll up and down through all the articles. To scan the blog titles from the blog page, simply click on the title of the top article. (The title is in blue.) That title will turn black. Above it, the title of another article will appear in blue. If you click that blue title, it will turn black and below the title in black the associated article will appear. Above will be the title of another article in blue, which if you click, it will turn black and below the title in black the article associated with that title will appear. All the articles in the, "ToddIer Moms and Dads," series will initially just display that preface. You will need to click to see the full title of the articles. I hope you will follow them. Give it a try. Just click on the articles you want to read as you want to read them. I will keep a listing of all the articles on the "E-mail Me"  page and in the "Table of Contents." I hope you will follow them.

The articles in this blog address psychosocial issues facing our culture. They express my opinion. Although I have a doctorate in clinical psychology, I am still in the licensure process and can only treat as an assistant to a licensed psychologist, psychiatrist, therapist or counselor, I must advise that nothing connected to this website should be considered counseling or treatment. I recommend any who are in need of counseling or treatment seek a competent and qualified, licensed psychologist, psychiatrist, psychotherapist, pastoral counselor or other such competent and qualified professional. 

Gratitude and Blessings,

Devorah Ann Fox, Psy.D.